
Category: Legalisation of residence

Will obtaining a PESEL number in Poland have any consequences for those fleeing further afield e.g. to the UK? Can it prevent them from applying for assistance in the destination country?

I am not a citizen of Ukraine, I left Ukraine in mid-April, I don’t have any visa. No stamp was placed at the border. Do I still have the right to 15 days legal residence in Poland?

According to the Special-purpose Act, the departure of a Ukrainian citizen from Poland for more than 30 days deprives him/her of his/her entitlements. Can I migrate to Ukraine or the EU for only 30 days within a period of 18 months?

According to the Special Act, persons who are covered by it but have applied for international protection may withdraw their application and will be able to stay legally in Poland for 18 months and have access to all benefits. How do I withdraw my asylum application and can it be withdrawn at any time?

The special act provides for the possibility of obtaining a temporary residence permit after 9 months from the date of arrival in Poland. Is it necessary to meet the conditions set out in the Act on foreigners to obtain such a permit, i.e. have a source of income, place of residence etc.?

Is it possible to return to Ukraine after coming from Ukraine to Poland and then return to Poland again?

Is it possible to return to Ukraine without a valid travel document?

What is the legal situation of people who, at the outbreak of war, were staying outside Ukraine and instead of returning to a country at war, they came to Poland? If they did not “flee Ukraine” are they covered by any protection?

What about third-country nationals who entered Poland escaping the war, but 15 days have passed and they have not had time to take further steps and cannot return to their countries. How can they extend the legality of their stay and obtain the right to work?

Information on what to do during the first 30 days in Poland (PESEL no., benefits, employment offices)?