Is it possible to deposit money from Ukraine to a bank account in Poland, that was not declared at the border crossing?

If the question concerns the carriage of an amount of less than EUR 10,000 to Poland, failure to declare this amount to the competent authorities and deposit it in a bank will not entail negative consequences – such a person will not be charged a fine, nor will he/she lose the money.

Please note!

A person who is carrying at least EUR 10,000 when entering or leaving the Union is required to declare these funds to the competent customs authorities of the Customs and Fiscal Service or the Border Guard authorities.

A traveller who fails to comply with this obligation and crosses the border with at least EUR 10,000 without declaring the amount and is subsequently caught will face the loss of all the money carried as well as a fine.

When depositing a larger sum in a bank, it should be borne in mind that the institution is obliged to act in accordance with its obligations under the Act on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. These activities may vary from one bank to another, but it should be expected that they may lead to information being obtained by the authorities that the money has been illegally transported to Poland. It is worth remembering, for example, that when depositing cash exceeding the equivalent of EUR 15,000, the bank is obliged to inform the General Inspector of Financial Information (the main element of the Polish system against money laundering and terrorist financing).

Legal basis:

art. 86 § 1 Kodeksu karnego skarbowego;

 art. 29 pkt 1 i 2 oraz 4 Kodeksu karnego skarbowego;

Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2018/1672 z dnia 23 października 2018 r. w sprawie kontroli środków pieniężnych wwożonych do Unii lub wywożonych z Unii oraz uchylające rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1889/2005;

art. 72 Ustawy z dnia 1 marca 2018 r. o przeciwdziałaniu praniu pieniędzy oraz finansowaniu terroryzmu;

Komunikat nr 11 w sprawie raportowania do GIIF informacji o transakcjach ponadprogowych, o których mowa w art. 72 ust. 1 pkt 1 i 2 ustawy AML tj. przyjętej wpłacie lub dokonanej wypłacie środków pieniężnych oraz o wykonanym transferze środków pieniężnych.