What to do if the school does not want to accept the child to attend to school?

Education in Poland is compulsory until the age of 18. Compulsory education for a child begins with the beginning of the school year in the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of 7. Therefore, a public school has no right to refuse admission to a child living in the school area, even during the school year. On the other hand, non-public schools do not require obligatory admission of every pupil. However, the school headmaster may decide to conduct a placement examination. In case of problems with admitting the child to school, it should be reported to the governing body, i.e. in the case of a public school – the commune in which the school is located.

According to the so-called special act, teaching for children from Ukraine may take place in a preparatory department based on the curricula implemented at the school, adapted to the development and educational needs as well as the psychophysical abilities of students.